7 Spring Cleaning Tips for your Park Home

This is the time of year for spring cleaning tips. Whether it is also the time of year for spring cleaning entirely depends on you. As the weather warms, the chance to throw open the windows, air your living spaces and to dust and declutter beckons invitingly or looms over you with an attendant sense of dread.

If spring cleaning does seem like a daunting task to you, some of our tips, we hope, may help with your motivation too. We have concentrated here on the fundamentals and a couple of things which may sometimes be forgotten or passed over. There are a great deal more detailed spring cleaning tips online if you need them.

  1. Make a plan

A list broken down room by room is a good place to start or you might want a more themed/project-based approach. You may not want to keep swapping equipment, for instance, in which case a project-based plan may appeal to you. With the right duster in your hand and the step-ladder deployed, you may want to clean all the lampshades and hard-to-reach corners in your home in one go, for instance.

Whichever method you choose to organise the tasks, a written plan can help to at least make sure you miss nothing out. If you keep your plan handy as you go along, you can check off what you complete and also write down any things which pop up along the way. This can help to avoid being drawn into sorting out old photos all afternoon, for instance. If you simply add it to the end of your plan and you know you can come back to it when the main event is over.

  1. Adopt a system for sorting

You may find a plethora of ideas online regarding various methods to sort out your stuff.

Some suggest three piles or boxes, some four. Some go for the “what brings you joy?” method to decide what to keep, some leave it up to you. Here is a place you might start at  if you want some ideas to organise your stuff.

Again, whichever specific method you plump for, just picking one may make your spring cleaning go much smoother. You may, to pick one example, want to have one box for stuff that needs putting away, one for waste, one for repairs and one for things to be donated.

  1. Pick a sunny day to start

Particularly if spring cleaning is not your favourite thing, a bright, warm day can sometimes help provide the get up and go you need. A good tip to get you started on your spring cleaning is to put on some favourite music. Also, throw open all your windows to give the place a good airing after the stuffy winter months. If you are planning a deep clean on your carpets, open windows can greatly speed up any drying that is needed.

There is one tip about this idea to do with window cleaning. You may find on a sunny day that the glass on your windows is so hot that window cleaning fluids evaporate too rapidly and leave stubborn smears. You can start on the shady side to avoid this or simply wait for a more overcast day.

  1. Have all your equipment ready

When you have made a plan, you will be able to anticipate everything you are going to need. For example, it can be a avoidable waste of time to find that you need a step ladder you haven’t got, to take down the curtains. Spending an afternoon trying to find someone to borrow one from, rather than getting those curtains done is a frustration that can be avoided by preparation.

  1. Baking powder, white vinegar and lemons

One tip that recurs everywhere the topic of spring cleaning is discussed is the almost universal usefulness of these three substances. For example: baking powder and water paste for cleaning a hob, baking powder and vinegar to clear and de-odorize a drain, water and lemon boiled in a microwave to clean the interior. Baking powder can even be sprinkled dry onto a mattress, left for a couple of hours and hoovered off to leave it freshened up. In addition, vinegar and water solution can be used to clean windows and other surfaces or as a general deodoriser. The potential uses for these substances seem to never end, and you’ll find them in lots of spring cleaning tips.

  1. Start at the top

This may seem obvious to you, but it is one of those simple tips that can be overlooked in our enthusiasm to get on with spring cleaning and see a difference quickly. The point is, of course, that dust and dirt, falls downwards. For this reason, you might want to start with dusting lampshades and ceilings, the tops of walls and wiping down the tops of high cupboards. This way, you will have less chance at least of dirt falling on a freshly cleaned carpet, for instance. 

  1. Get help

Spring cleaning can be an onerous task but it does not have to be a solo task. Some people prefer to do things on their own to avoid getting in each other’s way. For the rest of us, it is often too easy to forget that we can ask our friends and families to participate. This is particularly relevant if you have to get up a ladder or move heavy furniture of course.

We hope these tips have got you in the mood to throw yourself into your spring cleaning with a little more joy and confidence so you can continue to enjoy your park home to the full.

This is a marketing article from Park Home Assist, multi award-winning providers of residential park home insurance.  If you would like to speak to an advisor regarding insurance for your park home, please contact our friendly team in our Northampton office on 01604 946 796.

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Published – 17/03/23